Emergency Protocols

Injury or Illness

For illness, injury, or maintenance emergencies, the RA or professional staff member on call should be contacted. They will make an evaluation of the best action to take.

Infectious Disease

Students who exhibit symptoms or believe they may have been exposed to a possibly infectious disease should isolate themselves as much as possible and see a medical professional for tests and treatment.

Fire Evacuation (including drills)

Fire evacuation is an important factor in campus safety. When an alarm is sounded, either through mechanical indication or by voice, evacuate the building immediately. Students should be sure to take shoes and a coat when evacuating a building (if indicated by the weather). If one is convenient, a towel should be taken by the resident and placed over the mouth and nose to help filter smoke from the air breathed.

In the event of a fire evacuation, including drills, residents should report to the following locations:

  1. Residents of West should go to the cafeteria parking lot;
  2. Residents of Pope, Mitchell, and Dishner should go to the lower parking lot of their area;
  3. Residents of The Village apartments should go to the Tex Turner parking lot;
  4. Residents of LP should go to the lower parking lot of their area;
  5. Residents of The University Inn, Mars, and Lee should go to the grass lawn directly across the parking lot from the buildings.

It is important for a resident to make contact with their RA and/or the Director for Residence Life, so they know that the student is safe. A Director and/or RA may do a roll call of residents to ensure everyone is accounted for. Residents will be notified when it is safe to reenter the building.

Bomb Threats

Bomb threat evacuation will follow the same procedures as fire evacuation. Students must vacate the building quickly, being prepared to remain outside for the amount of time necessary to ensure the building is safe.

Severe Weather

Weather warnings such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and earth tremors should be taken seriously. Residents will be expected to vacate their rooms with a blanket and/or pillow if they can do so safely. Interior hallways of lower floors will be the best location to avoid injury. Flashlights and battery radios would be helpful if they can be retrieved safely, as would study or entertainment material since warnings can last for hours.

In the event of severe weather, residents should report to the following locations:

  1. Residents of Liles and West should go to the second floor hallway of their building;
  2. Residents of Pope, Mitchell Dishner, Shelton, Langley, Mars, and Lee should go to the closets or bathrooms of their suite;
  3. Residents of LP should go to the basement;
  4. Residents of The Village apartments should go to the bathrooms or closets of their suite;
  5. Residents of The University Inn should go to the first floor hallway or staircase of The University Inn.

During weather warnings, the elevator should not be used in any building. Residents failing to abide by set emergency procedures will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including removal from the residence halls.