Health & Safety

Health and Safety Inspections

The University recognizes a resident’s desire for privacy, particularly in the context of their group living situation, and will do what it can to protect and respect their privacy. However, the University, through Residential Housing staff, reserves the right to enter a resident’s room and/or apartment to determine compliance with health and safety regulations. Health and safety checks will take place two – five times per semester, and residents will receive notification of the check at least 48 hours in advance of the check.

During a Health and Safety Inspection, Residential Housing staff will check individual bedrooms, refrigerators, and common spaces, including refrigerators and other cabinet or closet spaces. Health and Safety Inspections serve as prevention for fire, pests, and other damaging issues.

Liability and Risk

Lincoln Memorial University assumes no liability for loss, injury, or damage to personal property incidental to the occupancy or use of the residence halls, and each resident accepts full responsibility for the safety and security of his/her own personal property. Students are strongly encouraged to purchase renter’s insurance. The resident agrees to hold the University harmless and indemnify it from any and all liability resulting from the use of University-owned housing facilities by the student. Please refer to the section regarding Lost and Found.

Maintenance Request

Students who need maintenance in their rooms or are aware of repairs that need to be done on their floor are able to submit their own work order at this link: request.php

Residents are also welcome to notify their Resident Assistant or the Director for Housing Operations. Maintenance requests will be submitted within 24 hours of the request to Physical Plant and Properties.

Requests should be completed within a reasonable amount of time after being submitted. In the event that a request is not completed, residents should contact their RA about the concern until the problem is resolved.

Personal Safety

Students must notify the Residential Housing Staff of their building if they plan to leave campus for an extended period of time. In the event that a residential student is taking evening classes and would like an escort to or from their class, the student can contact the Office of Campus Police and Security to make these arrangements.

Securing Outer Doors of Residence Halls

The residence halls are considered private dwellings of the campus. The exterior doors are to remain locked at all times unless prior approval is given from Residential Housing Staff. This policy promotes safety, security, and privacy for residents.

Trash Disposal

All residential students are expected to deposit trash from their living spaces in appropriate locations. In Liles and West, there are garbage chutes in the middle of each hallway. All trash should be placed in these chutes. All other residents on campus should place trash in the dumpsters located in the parking lot behind the dining hall. In the evenings, when Facilities and Maintenance are not utilizing it, the trash truck is located behind The Village residence halls, and residents may place their properly bagged trash in the bed of the truck. There are also dumpsters in The University Inn parking lot for residents of Mars, Lee, and The University Inn. This also applies to end‐of‐semester periods. If trash is left within the residence halls, hallways, or other spaces, then the person found to be responsible may be fined. If we are unable to identify the person responsible, the entire building or area may be fined.