Rights of Students

Students have rights under the conduct process and as incidents are reviewed and resolved to a satisfactory degree as determined by the University. Those rights are herein enumerated:

  1. Right to an Advisor. Students shall have the right to have a non-attorney advisor of their choosing to be present during meetings with the University. Students may be accompanied by one non-attorney advisor of their choosing throughout all aspects of their case and to all meetings and hearings. The advisor is not an advocate, but rather a source of personal and moral support to the student. An advisor may not be a witness, speak, or otherwise participate on behalf of the student. The Assistant Dean of Students will communicate all information concerning all aspects of the case directly to the student. No information will be discussed with or provided to an advisor absent the student’s consent. Timelines, meetings, hearings, and/or deadlines for submission of materials may not be altered to accommodate an advisor. If the Assistant Dean of Students is resolving a case of student conduct, a parent or guardian, at the discretion of the Assistant Dean of Students or their designee, may also accompany a student in addition to their non-attorney advisor if the advisor is not already the student’s parent.
  2. Right of Reasonable Notice and Due Process. Students shall have the right to proper notice and due process through established student conduct procedures. Students shall be reasonably notified prior to a meeting or hearing to resolve an incident of a potential violation of conduct. Reasonable notice is considered at least 48 hours in advance of any scheduled meeting or hearing. If a student receives a student conduct citation and wishes to schedule a meeting, the student is responsible for scheduling the meeting. All notices shall be sent to the student’s University email address provided through the LMU-designated domain. No notice shall be sent to non-LMU email addresses.
  3. Right to Review and be Informed of Conduct Policies. Students shall have the right to read and review the conduct process and policies associated with student conduct. Those policies are included within the Student Code of Conduct within this document.
  4. Right of Confidentiality. Students shall have the right to confidentiality as governed by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) and according to the University’s policies and procedures. However, the student has the right to waive confidentiality to the extent permitted by FERPA. (Please be advised that pursuant to FERPA, some exceptions apply such that confidential information may be disclosed without the student’s consent — including, but not limited to, instances of health and safety emergencies involving the University, students, or the community.)