A small number of cases that come through the Office of Community Standards are classified as “suspendable or expellable,” which is characterized by an outcome that could possibly include suspension, dismissal, or expulsion. The most significant difference in process between non-suspendable/expellable and suspendable/expellable cases is that students involved in a suspendable/expellable case will attend a Procedural Review prior to their hearing.
Students involved in a suspendable/expellable case will receive a notice of Procedural Review with their Notice of Alleged Violation that includes the date, time, and location of their Procedural Review and their hearing as well as the individual who will serve as the hearing officer for their case. Students involved in a suspendable/expellable case will have the option for their case to be heard in an Administrative Hearing or a Community Standards Board.
Definition: Suspension is a temporary removal of a student from their enrollment status at Lincoln Memorial University. During the suspension period, the student is barred from attending classes, accessing University facilities, participating in university activities, and living in university housing. The suspension will be recorded on the student's disciplinary record. The duration of the suspension will be determined based on the severity of the violation or misconduct and may vary from one semester to multiple academic years.
Appeal Process: The Suspension Appeals process mirrors the appeals process outlined in Section 7 of the Railsplitter Community Standards Guide.
Status During Appeal: A student who has been suspended and chooses to appeal the decision is not permitted to be on campus, attend classes, use University facilities, or participate in university activities during the appeal process.
Reinstatement: The Office of Community Standards is invested in your future success and growth. To be considered for reinstatement following your suspension, you will need to complete the requirements outlined below:
Completion of the suspension period.
Completion of all educational sanctions assigned by the Office of Community Standards.
Once the suspension period has ended, submit a written request for reinstatement to the Chief Conduct Officer, demonstrating that you have fulfilled all conditions for reinstatement and have engaged in meaningful reflection surrounding the incident preceding your suspension from Lincoln Memorial University.
The Chief Conduct Officer will convene a Reinstatement Committee to review your request and make a final decision. The Reinstatement Committee is composed of:
The Chief Conduct Officer (Non-Voting Chair)
The Dean of Students
An Academic Administrator appointed by the President of the University
One Student Representative
Definition: Expulsion is the permanent removal of a student from their enrollment status at Lincoln Memorial University. Once expelled, the student is indefinitely barred from attending classes, accessing University facilities, participating in university activities, and living in university housing. Expulsion is recorded on the student's disciplinary record, and unlike suspension, expulsion is permanent with no opportunity for readmission.
Appeal Process: The Expulsion Appeals Process follows the same procedures as outlined in Section 7 of the Railsplitter Community Standards Guide. A student may submit an appeal within the specified timeframe if they believe that new information, a flaw in the process, or disproportionately harsh sanctions warrant reconsideration of the decision.
Status During Appeal: A student who has been expelled and submits an appeal will remain barred from campus during the appeals process. This includes not attending classes, using University facilities, or participating in university activities. The appeal process does not delay or halt the enforcement of the expulsion.
Reinstatement: There is no reinstatement process for expelled students. Expulsion is final and results in the student's permanent removal from Lincoln Memorial University. Any requests for readmission will not be considered after expulsion, as it represents the most severe disciplinary action for violations of the University's Code of Conduct.
Should the Appeals Committee overturn the expulsion decision based on the grounds for appeal, the case may be reheard, but reinstatement following expulsion is otherwise not an option.